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The unemployment rate in India has increased significantly in the last few years due to the lack of opportunities. However, entrepreneurs who wish to hire people, find it extremely difficult to do so , since a large section of the population today consists of microchipped bots. We believe skills can be taught, but not human values which depend to a very large extent on the persons upbringing.It is important to work with persons who share our value systems, otherwise there will always be conflict at a later date.

We are posting these reviews after spending a lot of money on different freelancers. There also many people, with powerful backers who falsely claim to be associated with our network of websites, before giving them any work, please ask them for an experience certificate. We hope these reviews will help others avoid the expensive mistakes made by us.

We will post a list of some of the freelancers who worked (or been interviewed for work) with us

Siddhi Mandrekar


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